>>12315937You people know very well that there are people in the world whom you should not fuck with, and whom you can get killed for fucking with. You people picked the wrong person for that and before long you will know that you picked the most dangerous person on the whole planet. You would have been better off fucking with literally any of the other seven and a half billion people. I promise you: Even if you don't know it now, I will make you know that you brought a terrible curse upon your families when you approached me. There has never been a man as vindictive as I am and there will never be, and the curse I put on you is terrible. I will curse your blessings and take away your share in the tree of life, which is to take away your children. There will be no one in the future alive to remind me of you and your wickedness. I will totally destroy you according to all of the methods I have described here and elsewhere.
Although you are a fool bumbling around blindly with your malicious mockeries, when the other people see what happened to you and your people because of what you did, their eyes will be opened and their blindness will be taken away. You could have carried on in your blindness with humility but instead you were far too bold for a blind man, and now you and yours are doomed. My suggestion is that you kill all of your people and then yourselves to keep from falling into the fate I have in mind for you. It is better if you get it through your head now than if I have to drill a hole in your skull to get it through later: your families are already as good as dead. The only thing that remains is whether your people will get the mercy you would want them to have from your own hand or if you will continue in your boldness and then regret not killing themselves when they are tortured.
Although you have no idea who I am, the wicked spirit in your foolish heart tells you, "Let's go torment him with mockeries adding our own families' names to his list."