>>12319637yeah how would it feel if i shot you in the back of the head? huh? you little FAGGOT? you little NIGGER? you want me to shoot you? huh? yeah yeah i will. you little retard. huh yeah ill fucking blow your brains out you little smartass. you better be fucking scared you little retard ill fucking ruin your life when i cut your dick off and feed it to you and ill shove my FOOT up your ASS and ill scoop your eyeballs out you little faggot you little nigger ill get my dog to bite your toes off and ill rip your hair off and ill eat your nails you little faggot you little nigger you little gay nigger ill fucking rorochan you little shitface you ever heard of cirno? cirno the fucking fairy? ill freeze your belly button and cut it off and put your blood in a cup and put it in a syringe and put it in my peehole and piss my piss mixed with blood in your fucking mouth and you will enjoy it because i wont let you eat or drink for days because youre a little dumb RETARD and you should DIE and i will make sure you will die because i hate you and i will make sure you will always remember your death but then you will be dead and you wont remember anything and i will laugh and poop on your dead body haha and i will smear my poop all over your body and i will cut your butt up and i will find your poop storage place and mix the poop together and i will put it in your mouth and then i will taste it and if i like it i will eat more but i dont think i will so then i will smell it and rub it on my penis and masturbate on your dead body and lick your dead cold feet and it will be so funny and i will cut the letter nine into your body a lot to summon cirno again because you get one free pass and then you have to summon her using a pagan ritual that only i know so then after i summon her once again i will tell her to freeze your teeth so you get a brain freeze while your dead HAHAHA that is going to be so funny because you are dead and you are still getting hurt by me. dumb nigger