what I like is when a tank decides to do some +20 level starts in a +15 and excepts everyone to to perform it perfectly
in plaguefall he said he will CC some mobs that carrying barrels because once you kill these they do an area damage even to trash packs and then leaves a dot on them
a druid ofcourse used star fall and broke the CC and of course I heal aggrod the mob hitting 20k hp melee because it was fortified and the tnak did not taunt it and said: "well teh druid broke the CC so better tank it" then ofc the tank is dieing and I am dieing, I dont have bubble, i dont have BoP and I die we wipe. then this shit happens 3 more times. one man rage quits over the tank at the last boss. we kill it with 4 people anyway. I wasted 6 +15 plague falls and all my keys I grinded for to get the to +15