>>12364700>What the fuck is a foot and an inch based on?A foot is about the length of a man's foot. An inch is 1/12th of that. If you were stranded on an island you could take a cord or string, measure your foot, fold that in half, fold that in thirds then have inches. You have a single unit that is easily divisible by 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 to make working in fractions simple. Fractions are far easier for measuring most things.
>What is fahrenheit based on?The temperature of ice water vs the temperature of a human body. You can set a reference point of both with no other instruments besides an unmarked thermometer of any sort then use a string to divide in half 32 times until you have your delineation. It is a useful measurement for things like the weather since there are more degrees between typical outside temperatures and is also useful for cooking temperatures.
>What the fuck is a cup?8oz which is half a pint which is a pound or 16oz. Double that is a quart and 4 times that is a gallon. If you only had the means to weigh water you could weigh out a pound and then either double or half that volume to come up with all your other volume measurements.
Obviously you can't count to 10 without using your fingers and couldn't figure out quarters or thirds without a calculator and will never try to build or create anything so all of this is going to be meaningless to a goblin like you.