>>12384972You limey cucks are weak, passive-aggressive, girly-boi, faggots who get bullied and dominated by foreigners in your own streets and neighborhoods. And your women are cold, ugly, horse-faced, feminist cunts with ugly, bitchy, personalities and complete and utter disdain for all that is natural, healthy, and traditional.
And English "culture" is non-existent in the current year. You're just a herd of leftist, consoooomerist, multi-culti, ZOG-bots and your pathetic lives consist of wage-slaving, watching television, following the latest pop-culture fad, and worshiping the "Royal Family" like the weak, obsequious, servile, little rats that you are.
And even hundreds of years ago when you did have a culture, it was soft and gay and mostly consisted of effeminate dandies peacocking and social climbing.
You faggots are a joke and you have been for centuries now. You're the lowest of the low. I have more respect for niggers than I do for the inhabitants of cuck island.