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sci fi literature

No.12390576 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
what are some good sci fi books /pol/? I don't trust the hugo awards from any recent year given how they seem to care more about diversity and inclusion than quality, not to mention how it seems to have fallen victim to many of the same issues as games journalism(insider favoritism, awards skewed by overly influential small cliques)

I have some robert heinlein and philip k dick books on my list-thinking about getting the moon is a harsh mistress and ubik. I liked neuromancer alot too, I'm thinking about getting the rest of the sprawl trilogy and possibly the blue ant or bridge trilogy from gibson

I have roadside picnic on my list, if it's not overpriced I'll grab a copy but don't know how it's priced these days

I have a few stanislaw lem books on my list, never read anything by him so unsure of the quality, but a few of his books seem interesting

so what's on your sci-fi reading lists /pol/? I know many works skew left, but I can tolerate that as long as the books aren't topical and easily dated, something very common amongst modern books(I don't need to read some thinly veiled metaphor for how pmurt is destroying the world, it was stale and gay before he even left office)