Center it around inventing and improving technology, bar any "cuteness". Keep it serious and show consequences for such techlology being emoloyed and dominant. Or show ways humanity can stay on top of technological innovation. Explore the problems they can't fix from the perspective of their ideal human, or a flawwed character that is a product of the shown era. Have teams dedicated to destroying and assimilating the main character/characters, and teams dedicated to them surviving intact, showing off more character, more honour, higher levels of processing information and awareness, winning battles of inventiveness against sabotage, splitting the two into factions as sabateurs need numbers and safety. Contrast complex environments against simple people built for a past time. New generations obvious. Mature generations very adult, little mixing between generations, except failed examples that aim to replace their superiors. Show nurturing as exceptional and precious, virtual heaven, that keeps people in check so exploitation of opportunity doesn't make them monsters, people shown preserving what was perfect to them.