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What the hell is wrong with this world

ID:ipM1FhRn No.12412523 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I’m sorry for such rage post but I’m hopeless and need to talk about something that affects me deeply:
What the hell is wrong with this world. Every girl I meet has fucking peanut in place of where brain is supposed to be. I’m not saying guys are much better, because they mostly think about girls like cum buckets. I have a girlfriend but he is marginally better than instagram fuelled cum sluts on tinder that have nothing to offer. Yes I have a tinder because I’m not optimistic about future with my current girlfriend. For fucks sake, I need to raise her and teach her life because her parents didn’t fucking bother. Also all of these tinder bitches are interested in is coffee, wine, dogs, cats, art and travel. Like how do You expect to go through life with those interests? Humans are capable of doing extraordinary things and Your lifelong achievement is being depressed and useless. Half of them don’t have driving license, half of them that do, didn’t sit behind a wheel in last year. Earns shit money in shit retail job. Half of them can’t even cook a decent meal. I fucking uninstalled that Tinder shit because I almost got depressed myself. Before pandemic I suspected that 50% people are depressed and crazy. Now I’m pretty sure it’s at least 95%. Everyone talking about politics, everyone is being egoistic or aggressively stupid. I just want a woman I can trust with any problem. Where we both work together like partners on common goal that we both set ourselves up to. She doesn’t have to be pretty, I fucking hate makeup and all the pressure that other girls put on themselves that they can’t look beautiful without makeup, boobjob and bigger lips etc. Just don’t be lazy and stupid. But in reality I didn’t have much success meeting a person that would fit loosely that criteria