03/25/21(Thu)22:12:24 No.12417943
>>12417928 (You) #Indeed, what is my highest priority, one would say that it should be food, water and shelter to satisfy the primordial animal, one would say it should be learning to satisfy the arrogant mind, one would say it should be morals, values and ethics, to satisfy the primordial ancestor, which you would expect me to say, these priorities, to prioritize, but in truth is that it is all a superficial negation of what is as it truly is to place in your mind such things and make yourself ideals and beliefs, to prioritize, when it is in fact all nothing but a distraction from the pursuit of nothing, the absolute nothingness, by filling your mind with such extraterrestrial and terrestrial notions, both vivid and at the same time alien, both also ridiculous and serious, both ultimately useless and vapid, in the face of what is as it truly is, for God sparks the will of death, it is as such I prioritize nothing, and I spurn every and all, and thusly, nothing, I am nothing, and deceit is always on my mind, for I am a snake and a deceiver. Death.
Live like wolves, die like dogs.
God's Army