>>12447943Refined Carbs and high PUFA fats (onions and corn oils) without fibers ad complete proteins with cellular intactness which would regulate blood sugar levels and avoid insulin spikes are eaten together and that is the worst combinate for satiation but the best for selling lots of cheap food with a long shelf life.
A Healthy Diet is simple. Eat Cellulated food aka Whole Foods with full fiber and complete protein source and avoid eating fat and carbs together.
You wont find ANY natural food source that is both high fat and high carb. The higher the sugar content usually means almost ZERO fat and high FAT content means almost zero carbs.
The basic profile of the 3 universal healthy diets found in all cultures through all times are 1. high carb and very low fat (70%-80% carbs10-20% protein and sub 10% fat)
2. Low Carb/Keto 70%-80 fat 10-20% protein and sub 5% carb
3. High protein: 40%-50% protein, 30-40% carbs and sub 20% fat with no fructose.
Every diet that works following one of those 3 macros and each works best depending on your individual metabolic type all which fits with the Ayurveda Doshas aka Vatta, Pita, and Kapha and the Doshas are essentially the same as the humors of Ancient Greek Medicine.
Metabolic types, dominate humors, or doshas...all have the same rules. Celluated, full fiber and protein and not mixing fat and sugar together in the same meal aka avoiding massive insulin spike while eating fat.
You won't find any natural food with high levels of fat and carb together with no fiber and low proteins. All natural grown food are high carb and high fiber and low protein (aka all plants) or Protein and Fat and very low carb and fiber (animal foods).
The ONLY mixed macro food are seeds and seeds NEVER contain lots of sugar/fructose even if they have more fat and carbs together. Seeds also have more fiber and more complete proteins.