since jannies are useless pieces of shit and delete my threads where i explain how to get rid of what they are supposed to clean i ll post it here
how to clean pol:
STEP1: download greasemonkey for your browser
STEP2: install the addon (4chan X)
STEP3:in the upper right section of 4chan you should a settings option now, click there and change what you want regarding the website graphics, after that go on FILTER--->GUIDE --->FLAG and add this lines of code:
/^Black Lives Matter$/i;stub:no
/^DEUS VULT$/i;stub:no
/^Tree Hugger$/i;stub:no
/^United Nations$/i;stub:no
/^National Bolshevik$/i;stub:no
/^White Supremacist$/i;stub:no
STEP4: you can also remove all threads made by shills, go on FILTER--->GUIDE --->GENERAL
and add these lines of code:
/(prove|convince) me/i;op:only;boards:pol
/protip.\s+you can(no|'?)t/i;op:only;boards:pol
/suicide watch/i;op:only;boards:pol
/so this is the power/i;op:only;boards:pol
/we got too cocky/i;op:only;boards:pol
#some custom filters
/Biden BTFO!/i;op:only;boards:pol
/It`s Over/i;op:only;boards:pol
/made for bbc/i;op:only;boards:pol
jannies tongue my ass, if you don t clean this shit i'll teach people how to do it myself, paste this in all threads, they will either get creative with their bait or give up completely on polluting this board