>>127362>race to the bottomfunny you should use that word. "Race to the Bottom" is the single greatest argument I've heard against Libertarianism and unrestrained capitalism.
Take overfishing for instance. Everyone understands that if you overfish, there will be no fish and everybody is doomed. So everyone agrees not to overfish. But one guy DOES overfish and makes a huge profit. He can now afford to buy out the struggling fisheries, and become the dominant power. In order to compete, the other fishermen MUST overfish, despite knowing this will doom the entire industry.
The market optimizes efficiency in the exact same way evolution does: natural selection. And we see this in nature when malthusian pressure hits. Rats that resort to cannibalism outbreed rats that do not. Eventually there are too many rats and they all live desperate starving lives. If they could all agree to breed less, they would be fat and happy. But the rat that breeds more ultimately replaces the rats that don't. And soon there are only breeding rats.
Capitalism is no different because its core engine of performance is the very same: law of the jungle. The weak die. The "strong" survive. But they do so by being the most ruthless, and in doing so sacrifice everything that isn't essential to compete. Like employee benefits. Like reasonable hours and wages.
Even if a company wants to pay its workers more, it has to compete with the company that is willing to fuck them over. And in the globalist world, even if the government tries to enforce a fair standard of living, the company that moves to Mexico or Vietnam will soon replace the one that didn't. Leading to unemployment for the regulating country, horrific employment for the third world slaves, and ever more efficient production and lower prices at Wal Mart!
A race to the bottom. A ruthless race to the lowest price- the most efficient form of slavery we can make humanity endure.