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Tre therapy

ID:4zn34M4m No.12524543 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>The problem nobody realizes with mental health is it isn’t in your head but stress and trauma stored in your body. This is why talk therapy and meds don’t work. An anxious mind can’t exist in a relaxed body.

The guy behind TRE David berceli in collaboration with Peter Levine and his somatic experiencing figured out two things. One was, wild animals never have long lasting effects of stress and anxiety after getting attacked by predators because they instantly tremor out the stress and trauma. So a croc snaps at a zebra, zebra freaks and gets away, tremors, then goes back to grazing 1 min later like nothing ever happened. Berceli also noticed that in 3rd world countries when in bomb shelters that after a bomb went off the kids would naturally shake, but the adults wouldn’t. Because we have all been conditioned to think shaking is weakness. So the kids would shake and end up fine and the adults wouldn’t and would go on to develop PTSD.
Who teaches us not to shake?