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The final redpill

No.12524589 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I will post the ultimate redpill. All of /pol/'s world view will change with this simple post. however I will not give it away for free. I would like to see if /pol/ still has a strong faith in good things, so I will need to see at least 200 replies before I reveal the ultimate truth of our world. You may be thinking this is bait, but imagine what you can miss if you disregard this chance to unlocking the secrets of the universe. boundless success and knowledge thrown away because you missed your chance on a Mongolian basket weaving website. So /pol/ will you ignore what is good for you? Or will you take your chance and ascend your current level of thought? You can let this thread slide, but you will also let all that is righteous, all that is good and all that remains true slide away with it as well. The choice is yours /pol/...

Also to the Jannies, this thread is real and political as it is specifically political thought that will be enhanced by the post I will make (hopefully) soon.