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Why are Czechs such faggots?

No.12569851 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why are Czechs such pathetic cucks, /pol/?

They pride themselves on being German and American bitches. Throughout their history, they were ruled by Germans, they never had their own statehood. They say: "Look, we are a small country, if we hadn't opened our legs for the nazis, we'd have been fucked."
They made weapons for Hitler to kill Russians and other Slavs.
They are not even Slavs but German/Celtic/Jewish/Gypsy mutts LARP as fullblooded Germanic Aryans. They hate all Slavs, even Poles and Slovaks. Their language is artificial and they don't understand other Slavic languages, not even Slovak, which is the closest to Czech. They even call themselves "little Germans" kek. They don't even have their own culture. "Their" entire culture is a copy of German one.
I have even more respect for Poles than these pepiks. At least they resisted Hitler. They had their own empire and great history. Czechs throughout their history were under Germans until the end of Austria-Hungary. Poles are proud to be Poles. Czechs are proud to have something in common with Germans.

Cucked pathetic jewmerican nigger loving nation.