>>12571428Jesus was a domestic terrorist who hated Jews. He attacked a synagogue and was publicly executed for doing this, but people worship him because he gave them "free tickets to heaven".
Jesus devotes his life to the Old Testament because God commands you to exterminate the Jews. Deut 20:16. Jesus saw the purification of the Hebrew faith as the final solution to the Jewish question. He knew he needed an army, so he gave out free tickets to heaven. People do worship him, but they forget the part that Jesus entire goal was to exterminate the Jews.
Pic related. Don't try to argue with me, because I'm correct here. If you ask how or why I know this, it's in pic related. If you're illiterate, go fuck yourself. The Jesus shilled to you by the faggot priests is the Skin of Jesus, the Jews skinned Jesus and draped his skin over their Canaanite religion as a trophy.
This is 100% historical fact, no "magic ghost bullshit", just history, just facts, pure, raw Jesus. Arguing with me is literally saying you hate Jesus and love Jews. If you hate Jesus, you love Jews. All of the "good, kind Jesus" bullshit exists as a means to an end to indoctrinate people into joining his domestic terror organization which has the sole intent of exterminating the Jews because the Jews are godless fucking sacks of shit, literal demons, that God commands you to exterminate for an infinite number of good reasons.
Jesus calls the Jews "Children of the Devil" and attacks their Synagogue for a fucking reason, but I don't see you faggots following in the foot steps of your savior. Is Jesus the "savior"? Yes, because he sets the precedent that you need to exterminate the fucking Jews.