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Daily reminder

No.12585195 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The subhuman STD ridden GOOKS who infest the matriarchal shithole of a country called South GooKorea are the niggers and kikes of Asia.
>The Japanese and even chinks contributed greatly to Asia but the retarded Gooks have always been useless backwater genetically inferior parasitic niggers
>And like the niggers and kikes of Asia they are, wherever they infest they subvert it and destroy it with their subhumanity (Zainichi K*reans)
>the fucking Gooks don't have any original culture. They stole it from the Chinks and the Japanese. The subhuman gooks retardedly claim to have invented Samurai, kabuki, karate, anything Japanese. Just like how niggers claim to be the kangz of Ancient Egypt
>and like kikes, South Gookorean “men” are all pussywipped sissified faggots who worship the ground their whorey wives walk on. FFS, South GookKorea is such a matriarchal shithole of a country that feminist whores run that gook cesspool
>to this day they are still seething over WW2 like niggers seethe over slavery and kikes seethe over the Holohoax
>And like niggers and kikes, the worthless GOOKS always play the victim and keep asking for shekels they don’t deserve since the Japanese introduced Civilization to primitive gook savages who were known to wear pigskin and live in mudhuts. The genetically superior Japanese single handily modernized that poor GOOK shithole from the ground up
>But today most of SK looks like something you’d expect to see when visiting countries in South America (eg literal favela slums surrounding the city centers and gloomy Commie block style tenant housing everywhere)

Gooks are a slave "people" with an inferiority complex. Their irrelevant history is that of being subjugated by foreign empire after foreign empire just like niggers. And if you study actual GooKorean history you find they are basically mongrels of many nations, with China and Mongolia figuring prominently taking them over and over again.