were very good. You just don't want to say you like Marisa. Appreciate the time and dedication I did.
>Any longerFine fine. But next time I do, it'll be better than ever.
I didn't know you're a web developer. Not a lot of people here are into the field unfortunately. I love making websites. Well, I used to love making them.
>bad at mathHm, I doubt you're bad at basic mathematic. Don't push yourself too hard.
What I meant is by I know nothing about actual computer parts (aside from CPU, GPU, HDD, SSD, etc). I don't know any complicated advance stuff inside computers. All I know is that I turn on the power button, my laptop turns on, and I do stuff on my laptop.
Most languages I learnt were self-taunt. I did take a web development class when I was in high school. They teach you the basics. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, those things. I learnt a little of Python, Ada 95, JQuery, and C++ before I quitted.
I prefer knowing technology alone to be frank. I rather not face a lot of people and them asking me a bunch of questions if I know this or that.
>a lot less baitingOh thank god, that sounds wonderful. /r9k/ is still bad regardless. Too many bad people over there and I don't want to be associate with people who uses /r9k/.
>moderation is pretty activeHmm, things can still go bad. But that's good to hear how the chan is. Maybe I'll give it a visit.
>depending on the memeTrue. Not a lot of funny people online. Just mainly forced and trying to be funny memes. Not a good mindset to have really.
Wear a mask? I don't think I would wear the mask. I don't also see any Keiki mask. I don't mind wearing a wig. Although my hair is quite long. I'm a bit shorter to crossplay as Yukari though. She's taller. I'd say she's like 6'3". However, if I did crossplay as either Yukari or Keiki, I'll show you pictures.
>aren't exactly the most developedNow you're judging me... ugh. I like them skinny and cute. Girls are different.