>>12611669I know a few guys who date women for years, women who are good looking, some downright fine as hell, but these guys will go out of their way to fuck strange pussy, bitches who are objectively ugly, overweight, have no style, bad hygeine, all for the one simple fact that it's a new chick who they don't know.
They somehow got it into their retarded heads that what really matters is how many bitches you can fuck on the sky, instead of having one real quality woman who you're actually supposed to be fucking and don't have to sneak around at all.
Niggers are the worst about this. No matter what, niggers cheat. They could be married to a super hot chick who is filthy rich and gives him millions of dollars in cash, cars, homes, jewelry, whatever.. and these niggers will cheat anyway, just because they don't have a shred of self control or concept of consequences or accountability. It's so stupid.