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Are they signaling to their minions to push the vaccine on people now?

No.12637825 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I dont pay attention to the news anymore but I got this text from my sister earlier today. It makes me feel sick having to have this conversation with left wing people I care about, knowing what they say about those who are anything but totally overjoyed in getting their good boy globohomo cocktail. In the US almost half the population from what I've seen isn't interested in getting it, is this their latest attempt in promoting compliance? Wouldn't surprise me after "its not enough to not be racist, you need to be ANTI-racist and start confronting family members!" Same sister pulled this exact shit and basically ostracized herself from half our family via FB group chat. Anyone else had similar experiences with the NPC's in their lives? My contempt for normies grows stronger every day. inb4 your sisters a retard, who cares; every family is touched by their influence, if you think its a good idea to start abandoning family over jewish subversion of their faculties than thats your decision