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Social media reduced me to an isolated loser

No.12677187 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Remember distinctly back in 2005-2010's, everyone was happy, well adjusted, had REAL social lives, hanged out with everyone, were really chill and there were less sociopathic/psychopathic behaviors. Then the 2012's came and you see this shit:
>suddenly everyone is “taking selfies”
>constantly doing faggot shit with their phone
>”what is this psychotic, self-documenting behavior”
>refuse to be a part of it
>”what’s your facebook anon”?
>” don’t have one? Oh... I’m”
>”what’s your insta”?
>“’t have one”?
>start to see the most hyper social faggots getting all the irl attention and social status because they can manipulate social media to make their life look cool
>the reality is they’re just sitting around with other phone staring faggots taking pictures

Instead of say hanging out, just skating or playing basketball and other team-oriented sports, being with groups playing on our PC in LAN parties or just having fun with every chick we see and catcalling them as a joke amongst ourselves, everyone is now glued on their phones all day pretending they have a life. Truth is most people now just stare at their phones all day then pretend they're the coolest shit with their bants and pics.