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ID:gr73RqCh No.12689237 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Trash whit#oid snow nigger scum. TURAN was created by TENGRI to spread TURKIC seed. From TURAN emerged KARA BOĞA, BLACK soldiers of TURAN, vanguard of TURKIC race. Nomadic TURKS spread their seed all over the world through the use of KARA BOGA HORSE ARCHERS. In Anatolia emerged KEBAB, the great OTTOMAN nation, at the same time BLACK KANGZ were attacked by e^ropeans in Afrika. To avenge BLACK KANGZ, TURKIC MASTER RACE started destroying whi$e TRASH "nations" for centuries. OTTOMAN KEBAB sacked GAYreek capital CONSTANTINOPEL and erased their wh*te nation from the face of TURAN (Earth).
The TURKIC OTTOMAN KEBAB was however soon weakened, by attacks from sl#vic and #ropean wh@te trash cuntries. Evil forces of E^ropean scum nearly succeeded, but from western parts of great OTTOMAN ALBANIA (BEYAZ BOGA) emerged KARA BOĞA Mustafa ATATURK and repelled attacks from wh&te beasts and created TÜRKIYE BLACK UTOPIA. He renamed CONSTANTINOPEL to ISTANBULL to honor the BLACK BULL nature of TURKIC race. However the wh!te devils of ALEMANIA tried to steal great TÜRKISH KARA BOGA workers from TÜRKIYE after ATATURK departed to TURAN HEAVEN.
That is when farthest from Europe you can get , northeast of TÜRKIYE from KARA BOGA BLACK TERRITORY of GURCISTAN emerged first KARA BOĞA since Mustafa ATATURK, REIS RECEP TAYIPP ERDOGAN of LAZISTAN. He destroyed all the wh1te HEDONIST devils and became new KANG of TÜRKIYE. Now the BLACK KARA BOGA TURKS must struggle against wh$te devils to end their pathetic excuse of a race once and for all, and MAKE TURAN GREAT AGAIN.