>>12697542There are silver linings to the corona virus:
Americans learned that we are dependent on China for 90% of our generic medicines
We see how much of our economy has been outsourced
Forces older and obese Americans to realize how unhealthy they are
It is revealed just how fragile the financial sector's Ponzi house of central banking really is
Shines a light on China’s horrific animal abuse
Highlights how useless professional sports are
Brought awareness to how many really die during flu season
Exposes politicians and media that politicize public health and the scam artists that price gouge
Forces people to stay home and to take stock of their emergency preparedness
Correction of the stock market/price discovery
Decrease in gas prices
Parents are forced to spend time around their own children
Make us more resilient and self-sufficient
Increase our appreciation for brick and mortar minimum wage grocery store workers that are giving their best efforts to keep us all fed
The EU is exposed as the unelected, self-absorbed globalists that they really are
Open borders just became a really bad idea
Renewed respect for the second amendment
Working from home saves money, gas and time while simultaneously decreasing traffic, pollution and childcare expenses
People begin to question the need for international travel and the health risks it brings
The advantage of being able to homeschool your own children is recognized
You now have time to spring clean your house and sterilize it at the same time
Recognizing the importance of hygiene and hand washing in everyday encounters to prevent disease
People finally realize that government is really not equipped to help everyone and basically you are responsible for yourself
even that little turtle had a silver lining, she now has a home and is a symbol of just how bad pollution is
covid will be the same, it might feel bad now but the changes it brought about aren't all bad