>>12748669Heres how it goes. Read this.
https://www.bolde.com/im-feminism-kinda-making-harder-date/This is how social colleges brainwash these people. They see problematic shit everywhere even where there is none.
>1. I’m hyper aware of every sexist thing a guy does now.>4. One little anti-feminist comment can completely turn me off.>6. I’ve been brainwashed to assume the worst in men.>9. It’s made us more separate from each other than ever before.And they know it's destroying their social lives, their friendships, their life. Yet they can't quit because they're been indoctrinated into a cult.
>>12748673It's not just read them in a non ango language. You think Polish, Czech, Croatia, Hungarian books ever mentioned black people in our history classes or in our general history.
I just now tried googling in Both Croatian and Czech various shit such as "black history in croaita, czechia" "history of black people in croatia, czechia" etc...
In Czech I got
>Měsíc afroamerické historie | Velvyslanectví USA v České ... from the US
Embasy.gov>https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/clanek/komentar-mesic-cernosske-historie-jak-o-afroamericanech-ucit-deti-140996And this shit. In Croatia I got literally nothing not even American propaganda.
There were no blacks in Eastern Europe PEROID. You had gypsies thats about it. Nobody slept around and had black kids because that was a massive STIGMA. If it did happen the child was probably abandoned.