>19 years old>193 cm>lift a couple of times a week>MMA a couple of times a weekChance I would beat each animal in a fight to the death.
>Grizzly bear0%, it would rip me apart. They're too strong and big.
>Lion0%, same as above.
>Elephant0%, same as above.
>Gorilla0%, same as above.
>Crocodile0%, same as above. Also really fast. I would try to jump on its jaws, but it's too fast and strong and would just shake me off and eat me.
>Wolf75%. They're impressive animals, but I would kick them in the face and on the nose. Also going for their eyes. I would probably win, but it would be a hard fight. I would probably be done if it got its jaws around one of my legs.
>Kangaroo98%. I would spar with it and probably win. See this youtube video.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIRT7lf8byw>Chimpanzee1%. They're very strong and brutal. It would go for my balls and poke out my eyes. However, I would try to kick it in the face and I might be able to get in a good enough hit once in a while and take it out.
>King Cobra85%. I would just kick it to death and stomp on it. Its venom might be able to get me once in a while though and they're quite fast.
>Large dog99%. I would just kick it to death. It's like a weaker version of a wolf.
>Eagle95%. The only way it would kill me is if it gets its legs around my throat when it attacks from the air. And even then I might be strong enough to kill it before it kills me (which is a win). I could easily kill it otherwise since I would just break its neck with my hands or legs.
>Medium sized dog100%. Easy, just kick it to death.
>Goose100%. They're aggressive if I remember correctly, but I would still just kick it or punch it to death and break its neck.
>House cat100%.