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ID:9JrkSRst No.1277066 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are you kidding, your little cubs? I knew that I had finished the classic seal of the fleet warriors, and I had many secrets in Al-Qudan. I need to strengthen more than 300 people. I'm a trained gorilla. Best shooter in all US troops. You're nothing to me. This is another goal. I will take you away, because I have never seen good accuracy in the world. Do you think I can get a word online? Think again, dear. Today, I will contact secret networks of spies throughout the United States, and the IP is ready for storms and worms. The storm that causes destructive little things calls you your life. You are dying. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill more than 700 ways, which is possible only with my bare hands. I, although I practiced a lot in the unarmed struggle, entered the arsenal with the US Navy and fully used it to fight bad asses on the mainland. If you know what suspicious punishment for a small "intelligent" traffic that was destroyed, you may need to track it. But you could not, and now you pay the price. He's a stupid idiot. I want you to be in a panic, and you will lose it. You are dying.