[5 / 2 / ?]
>be me
>go to ottawa for school trip
>terrible time, we live in the fucking ghetto (the hotel)
>one of the 3 days we're there i eat breakfast at some chink place
>bad food
>we decide to walk to parlement hill
>start walking
>oh no eh
>really have to shit because bad food
>big event so shits really gaurded
>my teacher helps me find a bathroom
>go to front of parlement building
>ask for bathroom
>"no, we cant let you in"
>this fucking nigger
>going pale
>literally running around trying to find a bathroom
>they put them on the right of the building, with the bathroom sign facing away from the hill
>get in bathroom
>worst shit of my life
>loud farts very bad
>get bored, because i'm not shitting anymore but i want to be safe
>remember i have porn on my phone
>jack off in the public parlement bathroom
>cum buckets
>clean up
>walk out
>feels good
>go to ottawa for school trip
>terrible time, we live in the fucking ghetto (the hotel)
>one of the 3 days we're there i eat breakfast at some chink place
>bad food
>we decide to walk to parlement hill
>start walking
>oh no eh
>really have to shit because bad food
>big event so shits really gaurded
>my teacher helps me find a bathroom
>go to front of parlement building
>ask for bathroom
>"no, we cant let you in"
>this fucking nigger
>going pale
>literally running around trying to find a bathroom
>they put them on the right of the building, with the bathroom sign facing away from the hill
>get in bathroom
>worst shit of my life
>loud farts very bad
>get bored, because i'm not shitting anymore but i want to be safe
>remember i have porn on my phone
>jack off in the public parlement bathroom
>cum buckets
>clean up
>walk out
>feels good