O hey, can I join guys?
Americlaps, have no true race and are very degenerate, brainwashed by TV and everything is commercial, so there is no such thing as real. The food is also not real and everything comes from clones/GMO/hormone sources, so they get poisoned every day and that's why they take even more poisoned prescription drugs. They are huge cucks for Israel and they don't see that they get used by them. Cancerous TV like Disney/Hollywood/MTV is all made by Jews to degenerate the "white American race" even more (Simpsons and Al Bundy from Married With Children are an example how they brainwash you that the white male is useless, also Jackass on MTV makes people want to hurt them self and do gay stuff because it is cool. These shows are made by Jewish directors). Pedophilia is also a huge problem in TV world, just like Britain.
Now the Britbongs, like America they have no sense for real cuisine, everything is fried and the TV chefs are truly a joke to real chefs. English are like the niggers of the white race, look at Australia for example, they share your blood and are disgusting whorish loud annoying people. I want to bash your face when you pronounce a French originated word (like the Americans you rape their language and say it in such a cringe worthy way). The queen is also part of a criminal syndicate that rapes and sacrifices children and many pedophiles have been knighted. Every where they are visiting they create havoc and destroy the local culture. In foreign countries you see the English sitting in a English pub eating fried food, the same they have at home.
>pic related, exotic "food" of the Britbongs and Muriclaps.