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Society Will Collapse A New One Will Emerge

No.12794791 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I get paid to monitor this board. Some of you guys are alright.

>We control a group of schizophrenics, they are drugged, ready to go on shooting rampages across America.

>While the country reopens this summer many mass shooting will take place, in Move Theaters, Shopping malls, 4th of July parties.

>We are framing mostly white males, one Pakistan, and on Filipino incel manlet.

>This could all be stopped if only you complied with our plans, like getting vaccinated, and voting for stricter gun control laws. You have forced our hand.

>Biden will take your guns this fall. After the shit we pull off this summer the public will beg for a gun ban.

>Eventually all guns will be banned. You will be vaccinated, eat bugs, have social credit score/tied to universal passports. Most importantly you will be happy.

Just give up. Then the brotherhood of man will know peace. We care about you, and have your best interest in mind. We only hurt children to scare you off.