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No-Fap is Feminism

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Know what is censored here !

Not hard to see what the problem here is.
No-Fap is a feminist operation made to ruin men's lives and make them more desperate its a old continuation of the old feminism of old.

>b-b-b-b- my shit website says
All lies.
>b-b-b-b porn addiction
Its next to impossible for men to get addicted to porn since after you ejaculate al linterest in sex ends. milk yourslef regularyl and ther is no problem.
>b-b-b- after masturbating i feel bad, society and you memed yourself into this.

I was there done that no-fap is cancer that will ruin your life, perpetuated by a feminist society.

>The bible says
God is fake.

>b-b-b the bible
Look retard the jesus literally tells you to castrate yourself if you look wrong at a woman Matthew 5:27-30 or you can interpret it as needing to cut off your hand or gouge out your eyes. While the jesus tells you to mind your own business you filthy sinner when your wife fucks another man behind your back. John 8.

Yes jesus is the ultra feminist, your religion is ultra feminism.