>>12810454Ive noticed that a lot of tallfags are complete scumbags. I dont know why though because ive seen them get beaten by shorter dudes. I think it’s entirely due to women worshipping them. I was on a bus once in spain and this 50 year old lady, out of nowhere, runs up and demands a 6’7 guy take photos with her. She was all over this guy and he looked uncomfortable as fuck. Nobody wants a 50 year old lady. But my point is that women act this way CONSTANTLY around tallfags.
Im 5’11 and i fought a 6’5 lanklet before. I kicked his ass because i lifted. He thought just bwcause he was tall he would win, nope, i broke the fuckers jaw and knocked six of his teeth out. He was crying like a little girl and a bunch of people ran over to help him. They were all screaming
>get off him! Get off him! What the fuck!Women were literally CRYING, screaming at me to stop the beating. I fled the scene and got arrested two days later lmao.
Tallfags are spoiled children that never grew up. Exactly like women