That's an old Brazilian joke, have it:
Two Portuguese were to assault a bank indicated by another Portuguese. They rendered everyone and went straight to the vault room. Manuel broke in the first one and said, "Joaquim, come here, this safe has no money! It's full of yogurt!
Manuel:" There's only yogurt anyway ... Well, this yogurt must be very good, since it is in a bank safe. Let's eat it all!"
After they had eaten everything, Manuel set out to break into the second safe.
- Jesus! Yogurt again !!! And now, Joaquim?
- There's no way, let's eat all of that safe too.
They ate... Manuel, who could not stand more yogurt, went to the third safe.
- Bloody hell !!! Yogurt again ??? Joaquim, you'll see what a crap this bank is, it only has yogurt!
Joaquim went to check and returned soon after: - Goddammit, Manuel! Is one such 'BANK OF SEMEM', have you ever head about it???