>>12835982would tell you to kys but as you track your progress and you get used to the new effects like softer skin, a little softer body hair, and weird gross nipples that make men want to vomit and murder you without even a hatefuck, you'll only be left with the annoying man jaw you have and your well developed male nose and adam's apple aging with you as a man's features age, becoming more and more prominent despite all of the estradiol you're taking.
You'll jerk it to sissy hypno in front of a screen, imagining yourself as a cute girl, but every. single. time.
you look in a mirror, you'll see those manly features becoming more and more pronounced.
Your """dysphoria""" will only get worse and worse as you age, the fantasy world of porn and the real world of your veiny man hands growing further and further apart until you finally realize that YOU WILL NEVER PASS AS A WOMAN.
The dysphoria will spin you into a deep, emotional depression, driven deeper still because of the estrogen, and you WILL kill yourself, mark my words transsexual.
You absolutely will kill yourself.
And the sweet irony is, you'll kill yourself as a man does, by blowing his brains out.
And that's not even with adding in the god awful gaping war wound of slicing your dick in half and turning it inside out.
You can't even do your makeup every day, or shave your legs every second day, how the fuck are you going to dilate every day?
You'll be dead before you have to worry about that though.
And best of all, your parents will use your real name.
Your dead name.
Your MALE name.