>323787410Well first off, I'm not a pagan, if anything I am most akin to some kind of neo-Platonist.
That said, traditional IE religions do make a whole lot more sense than desert kikery and its offshoots.
To specifically answer your question, all IE religions recognize one source from which all springs. The "monad" in Hellenism, Brahman, the list goes on. From there spring more "down to earth" Gods, which are entities in control of forces which rule our lives. These entites might not be "all powerful", or all moral. But that doesn't matter, they are still Gods and on a level of being that we largely can't comprehend
>Christians do the same shit with the Trinity, so don't try to weasel out of thatThese Gods might be individuals, or they might be avatars of the "one true God" (ancient Vedic Hinduism expounds on this most strongly). Or they might even be literally the forces themselves.
So hopefully you will walk away from this convo with a better understanding than your Marvel/Disney-tier kike bullshit.
>>12843406>How is Zeus less moral than Yahweh?Lel, this too. Lets not pretend that OT/NT tier "morality" is some golden standard that others need to live up to. If anything, its the other way around.