, my friends. I want you to call me by the name of Megan from now on, OK? I have finally made this important life-changing decision, so I can be more true to who I really am - a real woman. Now, as Megan, I am also transitioning all my characters into women, in my latest comics, anime, book and movie. My fursona is now also known as Megan, a cross-dressing dragon in a maid's outfit. Please respect my decision and my choice, and please call me Megan from now on. Thank you.
|| Jordan Rivera, aka. Yonkers/Meow Meow Kitty/Mittens/Ralsei/Wonkie Yonkie/Asriel/Jackson/Klim/EvilDarkLord/WoodyWoodpecker/Jaydane/Joshie/Macker Relashni/Shitto/Lole/Bowel Boy/Megan/Lil' Macker the Brapper aka. Lil’ Dalla Mane/Joshie the Gay Retarded Diaper-Wearing Bunny Bee/Anonymous/Kitty God etc etc. ||///