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we literally did not go to the moon

No.12900307 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Think about it

we "went" to the "moon" in the 1960s. We can't get there again 60 years later with modern technology? A single iphone in 2020 has more computing power than all computers in 1960 IN THE WORLD put together times 1000. Our materials science has advanced, we have nano technology, new elements, radiation shields, etc.

Back then, they literally had to use fucking lead to block radiation. They didn't even know about the Van Allen radiation belts which destroy any organic matter that try to pass through.

And, why hasn't China or Russia landed people on the moon?

>hurr durr because it's already been done by Americans so there's no point

You don't think Chinese people would be ecstatic if China landed humans on the moon? Who cares if America already "did it". China spends billions on propaganda, getting to the moon isn't worth it?

No, because they know we can't go there. Also why is it we can see ice blocks in the rings of Saturn with telescopes, but not the left over gear on the moon that the astronauts left there?
