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Satanists/luciferians of varying degrees run the world

No.12920702 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The whole thing is a spiritual battle a metaphysical philosophical one and most of you are losing.
The elite believe in a dog eat dog, do what thou wilt philosophy.
This has been passed down through a number of faiths of theirs and some legitimately believe in these faiths they have others it is networking and means to an end.
These faiths are Frankism (Jewish Kaballah based mysticism) and Luciferian Freemasonry. These two faiths drive the cultural landscape and nearly all your media buys into their beliefs.
Look at the state of this boards catalogue right now. It has specifically been crafted to position you into a frame of reference that they can manipulate the outcome of. They do this by manipulating your emotions mainly through anger+arousal when you are angry and aroused you are more susceptible to stimuli.
They know this they are masters of psychology and the hidden hand. Stop being fucking retards and look at the broad side of culture and tell me I'm wrong.
>Buck breaking
Using the formula of arousal and anger.
>Sweet tooth
Straight up luciferian you have a kid with deer horns been taught by his father it's ok to lie etc. If you knew their faith and culture you would see they spit it in your face, you laugh at the gore in Invincible and say thank ye sire when is season 2.
All the while you're having their do what thou wilt mentality and their eugenicist principles passed on.

They worship Lucifer as the intellect bringer and see the sun as his representation. It is no wonder that they are having the G7 meeting the day after a solar eclipse. They're probably sacrificing all day today.

Isaiah 57:4
Against whom do ye sport yourselves? against whom make ye a wide mouth, and draw out the tongue? are ye not children of transgression, a seed of falsehood.

Best start looking at that book they program you to not be bothered with lol