According to a scientist, it' more like 95%, and it's a prediction.
"As 5% of the human genome is still unassembled, and 5% seems to be CNVs relative to chimp, and 4% is unaligned to the chimp genome, I cannot agree with Dennis Venema [here] and Steve Schaffner [here] that “95% is the best estimate we have for the genome-wide identity of chimps and humans”. I would accept 95% as a prediction, but not as a statement of established fact.
See here for more details :"I predict that the 95% figure will prove to be wrong, because (on the basis of my comparison of the PanTro4 and PanTro6 alignments to Hg38) I think that the CNV differences are here to stay, and I doubt that all of the currently unaligned or unsequenced regions of the human genome will prove to all be 95% the same as the chimpanzee genome. Some of the “unaligned” human sequences are medium-sized indels, and it is hard to see why they would not have been assembled in the chimp if they were present. I also expect at least some of these unaligned or unsequenced sequences to be rapidly evolving."
Now, from a theistic viewpoint, having a close DNA does not mean necessarily that we evolved, but we had a same creator with almost the same blueprint.
Moreover, researchers are now admitting that the human genome is not fully sequenced. They're finding out that a large part they had overlooked & classified as "junk DNA" , is actually a necessary component (and no junk at all). A bit like the vestigial organs...