I feel siutterly alone. None of my "friends" keep in touch with me and it's been months since I got news from anyone who isn't my mom or coworkers.
Earlier today I started to walk for hours. As I looked trucks go by, I was wondering about the optimal time frame to jump under those wheels.
I'm 38, been only in long lasting relationships but never been on the dating game. I feel old, fat, useless, and unwanted.
I have been taken for granted for what seems tears bow and I'm really only waiting for my parents to die so i can finally kill myself.
I have been unhappy for so long. Covid has made things worse.
I drive passenger trains for a living, so my working hours are all 9ver the place, oftentimes even including weekends.
I have no social life, no friends, no love no will.
I quit drinking almost a year ago.
I wish I could drown it all in a bottle of whiskey and croak in the gutter like Alan Poe.