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No.12956979 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Electrical engineer here

Modern physics is 100% a JEWISH HOAX


Most Quantum physics is FABRICATED

String theory is 100% BULLSHIT
Jews literally pulled most of modern physics out of their ass and used their high positions in academia to fake peer-review each other and get their horse shit accepted by all of academia.

The Manhattan Project was a project by Jews on how to trick the world into thinking they created the Atomic bomb. Ever noticed how they're all Jews? The A-bomb was filled with massive amounts of TNT. Nuclear powerplants work my slowly extracting power from mini TNT explosions. The uranium is a cover up.

That's why they dismantled their nuclear weapons, because if they were left around long enough, eventually someone would find out they are just TNT.

The Jews took advantage of the fact that physics is not axiomatic and made up a theory that may work, but so may many others. There is ZERO empirical evidence supporting most quantum physics. There is no reason anyone should believe string theory.

The reason Israel wants Iran to stop its Nuclear problem is not because they are afraid of getting bombed, it's because they realize they are very close to discovering that Nuclear power is a Jewish hoax.

Einstein = FRAUD
von Neumann = FRAUD (notice how the anecdotes about him having supernatural mental abilities were all perpetuated by other JEWS)
Eugene Wigner = FRAUD
Feynmann = FRAUD
Werner Heisenberg = FRAUD
Hans Bethe = FRAUD
Many others = FRAUD

You have now been red-pilled on modern physics.