[35 / 29 / ?]
/bant/ has an element that some do not notice - ice - that informs most of the culture on this board, to form international/cold/erraticism (where erraticism means random)
With this get, cirno became the queen of /bant/ - and a stable cirnoposting faction took root
With this get, /bant/ went under leaf dominion - and a stable leafposting faction took root
The common theme here is the /cold/. With this we can derive solutions to issues on /bant/
1) The reason blepe died off was not because of his design - it was because he was not characterized properly.
With >>99999, cirno froze the frogs, creating a chilling effect on the reddit element, plus pepe never really died for /pol/'s purposes - removing the need for Blepe.
Instead, Blepe is actually ICEFROG - a /bant/ flavour of pepe.
We should not take lightly that pepe was killed off when /bant/ was created - resulting in the "blepe" formation - it obviously was fated as the proto ICEFROG/frozen frog.
2) /bant/ is a red board, but porn dumps are not allowed.
Sometimes porn is removed even if it not a dump - so we can call it "functionally blue".
With the realization of international/cold/erraticism - we realize that blue is the "true" colour of /bant/ - as it fits /cold/.
Users should switch to Yotsuba B when browsing /bant/ so that their browsing experience both fits with the general non-pornographic nature of the board - and the underlying /ice/ nature of the culture. This guarantees improved browsing.
3) frensposting is infact NOT frogposting! finland is infact one of the most northernmost countries - so even though it may seem non-/cold/, it is "hidden" /cold/ in nature. Besides, it can be seen that frensposters are obviously not the scourge to
However, a blue shading to them could improve things.
With this get, cirno became the queen of /bant/ - and a stable cirnoposting faction took root
With this get, /bant/ went under leaf dominion - and a stable leafposting faction took root
The common theme here is the /cold/. With this we can derive solutions to issues on /bant/
1) The reason blepe died off was not because of his design - it was because he was not characterized properly.
With >>99999, cirno froze the frogs, creating a chilling effect on the reddit element, plus pepe never really died for /pol/'s purposes - removing the need for Blepe.
Instead, Blepe is actually ICEFROG - a /bant/ flavour of pepe.
We should not take lightly that pepe was killed off when /bant/ was created - resulting in the "blepe" formation - it obviously was fated as the proto ICEFROG/frozen frog.
2) /bant/ is a red board, but porn dumps are not allowed.
Sometimes porn is removed even if it not a dump - so we can call it "functionally blue".
With the realization of international/cold/erraticism - we realize that blue is the "true" colour of /bant/ - as it fits /cold/.
Users should switch to Yotsuba B when browsing /bant/ so that their browsing experience both fits with the general non-pornographic nature of the board - and the underlying /ice/ nature of the culture. This guarantees improved browsing.
3) frensposting is infact NOT frogposting! finland is infact one of the most northernmost countries - so even though it may seem non-/cold/, it is "hidden" /cold/ in nature. Besides, it can be seen that frensposters are obviously not the scourge to
However, a blue shading to them could improve things.