>>13004753I like how you write fren :)
If I were to find immortality here on earth and a partner who was also immortal I would still be weary of entering into a relationship due to the base nature of this reality.
It seems too chaotic and "unclean" for my liking. I would choose instead to explore it and go on adventures etc.
People change over time, immortal or not, so it would still probably not last if I became attached to someone. Unfortunate, but more likely true than not.
>you implied that ending the circle would be welcomed. So awaiting it's continuation now and in the future kinda contradicts itSorry, I meant "the next life" as in a new reality in the "afterlife", a higher perfect reality. If I incarnated here again I would choose the same thing I have chosen now, provided I had the same clarity of mind.
The "dream and waking" sense of life is more complex than that from what I see, and sleeping is not death, dying is death, and whether we slip into another realm or cease to die via "quantum death theory" style rules is unclear...
If you were being figurative, then sure, every day is a new chance, but sleep is not death, they do mirror each other in an odd way though. Like words which rhyme.
>This kinda came from the desire to know the opposite side of things.Logical reason to play devils advocate. If you tell them why and approach the questioning right I have found people are more accepting of the odd contradictions lol. Otherwise they may think you are just trying to break them or start a fight. It's fine though, to ask in opposition to your true feelings. You will gain great wisdom and insight from this, but asking yourself these questions is more insightful in my opinion.
Going to watch a strange movie I found on bitchute, be back in *2 hours