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!tYNt4nKbgw No.13003190 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Sloppy job mossad edition

Quite the journey we've been through lads.
>Niggers can't stack rocks
to uncovering the hiking community being astroturfed against cairn making is a literal Jewish conspiracy, shills and all, against white European outdoorsmanship.
>Who told you to not stack stones?!
All eco hippy faggotry about "muh microbiomirinos!!!1!!" and "the hekkin bugs and salamanderinos!!!1!!" and "nooooo 15 stones will cause erosion noooo1!!!1!"?
>It's literally shills.
There is a concerted cross platform effort to relate rock stacking and cairn making with "Stacy and Chad" Instagram hikelets to divide the "real" hikers against rock stacking. They write thousands of opinion articles about why you shouldn't stack rocks, then treat them as authoritative sources for why you shouldn't stack rocks.

"Leave no trace" itself is a direct assault on our culture. It is part of their war on environmental conservation and stewardship with the faux (((environmentalism))) responsible for every major manmade environmental disaster of the last century from green party types preventing proper forest and river management.

>They won't even let us stack rocks
That is the depth of their hate for you. They've employed forum takeover tactics and consensus cracking all across the internet, including /out/, but their great mistake was trying it against /pol/. Welcome to /Stone Stacking General/

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