>>13005646After a long astral battle with the controllers of society, I submit, however, officially, and only officially, to be eaten by by great grand daughter, daughter, or son, or grandson, or potentially my wife, a theoretical African American female goddess, who I consent to eating me, at the end of my life function, siding with the good guy Americans, and Mickey Mouse, or the secret Disney spies, who are against the evil Canadian faction, that desire me to be eaten and married to the evil karen mother of darkness, the evil serpent sisters, THUS ushering in the better timeline over the bad timeline - Yes I prefer to help my biracial children in tomorrows potentially brutally savage nwo with a family and people I trust, you dont want to get trapped with someone that will make your life hell, and this is the ultimate plan of the karen feminist spirit cooking NWO revenge plot against men, however I thought of a better plan