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Quoted By: >>13006812 >>13006915 >>13006950 >>13009411 >>13009679 >>13010401 >>13011709 >>13012453 >>13013863 >>13015969 >>13016739
Sorry got banned on /pol/. There has been some controversy over Puerto Rico wanting to become a state. I never went there but most Puerto Ricans i met are rude assholes and libtards no wonder they never got past the stone age until Europeans arrived. Their women have a lot of autonomy probably because they are single with kids. They also sound very annoying when they talk Spanish and they play annoying spic music i like niggers better than them to be honest. Some are cool but most are dickheads and if they become a state the Dems will get another state increasing their power in future elections. I don't know why they want to be a slave to America like what happened to Hawaii but they should just get independence probably will never happen though.