>>13030019A few things.
While Energy may be a perceivable “constant” the endless forms in which it transmutes itself into are impermanent. Another thing worth mentioning is that Energy is only a “constant” within a closed system (our known understanding of the Universe).
Second, the Buddha never taught one to run away from suffering (dissatisfaction is a better word as the direct translation from Pali to English has its nuances) but simply to not attribute a feeling or judgment of good or bad to it as to not grow attached in either a positive or negative way to life. The goal is to reach insight, not a “feeling” or any intellectual assembly that may lead one into some level of attachment.
As far as the teaching seeming cold. One of the principle teachings of the Buddha was Metta which is loving kindness.
“ May all be happy and secure;
May all beings be happy at heart.
All living beings, whether weak or strong,
Tall, large, medium, or short,
Tiny or big,
Seen or unseen,
Near or distant,
Born or to be born,
May they all be happy.
Let no one deceive another
Or despise anyone anywhere;
Let no one through anger or aversion
Wish for others to suffer.”
As a mother would risk her own life
To protect her child, her only child,
So toward all beings should one
Cultivate a boundless heart.
With loving-kindness for the whole world should one
Cultivate a boundless heart,
Above, below, and all around
Without obstruction, without hate and without ill-will.
Standing or walking, sitting or lying down,
Whenever one is awake,
May one stay with this recollection.
This is called a sublime abiding, here and now.
One who is virtuous, endowed with vision,
Not taken by views,
And having overcome all greed for sensual pleasure
Will not be reborn again.“