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tfw retarded

No.13056890 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Share your stories about how you failed at a job.

Here's mine: One time I worked in a factory and I had to tape cardboard boxes together and I kept fumbling the tapegun and it took me a long time to finally unstick it only for it to tangle up again a few minutes later and so they had to turn off the conveyor belt and have other people step in and start assembling the boxes since I couldn't do it.

They all laughed at me and I was given a different duty. I never got any training how to use the tape gun and never used one prior to or since that job. I have a post secondary education and I can't handle the simplest of minimum wage jobs taping a goddamn box up.

Years later that embarrassing memory still haunts me and I begin flapping my arms and screeching. Even low IQ immigrants who barely speak english can perform simple tasks.
What the fuck. This is demiurgic.