>>13058950Have read many times it was a clerical error. The problem with that too this dumb ole fool is it doesn't even come close too adding up.
Sure everyone & obviously corps have clarical errors, I find it difficult to remember every $ spent from $100, less if wobbly pops are involved.
Business can and do have 1% errors. Shit happens generally are not accounted for, looked for, may be written off what ever.
Yes this is total rambling.
Physical year of the state corporations starts April 1, taxes due, tptb need opperating capital, what have ya.
That week in september is 3 weeks before the 3rd quarter starts on 1/10.
That being said for 10 bil misplaced, its roughly 1 trillion of an original budget, for 2.3 trillion too go missing its 230 trillion in operating #'s, even at 10 trillion expenditures a year in spending it would take 23 years too have that much of a clarical error. Kind of impossible or is it. Businesses deduct a theoretical depreciation annually, only have too account for said depreciation when the asset is sold, decommissioned, traded or destroyed. Difference from actual depreciation value is a profit or loss in the year its removed from holding. But government generally does not do this practice.
We all assume off book projects and to some of those that benefited form the events on the day after but does any one actually know how much money their gov brings in and actually spends.
All we ever hear about with federal and provincial gov is how much the deficit spending is, how much monopoly money each citizen owes, the actual amount of revenue appears too never be audited.
Take Royal Bank of Canuckistan here, profit in 2020 was 35 billion on 45.5 b revenue according too shareholder disclosure.
Its a shell game after all & the house tells us they always win.