>>13063819>>13063820a point that's overlooked
w*men are inherently a part of nature and operate by the tides and the moon, they are rooted and cyclical. Whereas men impose order, look toward the sky and seek logic and purpose and are linear.
Were it probably not for some rebellious young men willing to tell the matriarchy "no" thousands of years in the past, we'd all still be living in grass huts committing infanticide, cannibalism and picking lice off ourselves in our spare time.
The earth is not the end all and be all it is a dirty womb full of vermin and chaos. Imagine the worlds we could create, numerous and diverse yet all paradise with the perfect climates, pest free and free from babysitting the other humans who failed the evolutionary race (and the parasites who use them to hinder us)
the amount of time, physical and psychic energy that men spend to gain the approval of w*men (which many will just siphon off like vampires, encouraging men, "just a little more and you'll have me") is a waste which should instead be channeled toward objectives such as AI, Immortality/longevity and space colonization.