Yes, Also to expand on that. I've noticed that people use "have sex" or "I get more pussy than you" as insults. These are obvious symptoms of the disease known as Gynocentric Society. In Gynocentric Society, Pussy is a limited resource and women have a "choice" in whether they give you the pussy or no. Ghenghis Khan and Islamic rulers lived in ANDROCENTRIC societies, Societies that cater and work towards satisfying the needs of men. In an Androcentric Society, Pussy is much more available and women are treated as assets and property (Just as nature intended). The insult "have sex" wouldn't work in Androcentric society since ALL men would be getting sex and pussy one way or the other. Either thru Arranged marriages, Prostitution or Female Slaves. Prime Slave cunny was bountifoul and plentiful, You just had to pay like 10k and you get to have a maid and a semen demon at your disposable for the rest of your life. It is also in Androcentric societies that most of Human Advancements occurred, Greece, Rome, Persia, The Caliphates, Mesopotamia, China etc etc were ALL androcentric societies. The "Liberation" of women at the hands of the western European cuckolds and it's consequences have been a disaster for the Human Race.